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The S Word: Stanislavsky and The Media
Stanislavski Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/20567790.2019.1653008
Paul Fryer

For our fifth annual event, we aim to explore all aspects of Stanislavsky’s relationship with and impact upon all aspects of the contemporary media – film, television, radio, electronic media, print and journalism, and via still and moving images, sound and music. We now invite proposals for papers (20 minutes duration), practical workshops (40 minutes duration) and panel presentations (60 minutes duration with a minimum of three speakers). Please send a brief abstract (not more than 300 words) and a short biography to Professor Paul Fryer – (paul@paulfryer.me.uk), to arrive no later than Friday 29 November 2019. Information on keynote and guest speakers, special presentations and details of booking arrangements will be published shortly. Papers from this event will be published in the Spring 2021 edition of Stanislavski Studies. Please join us for our London 2020 event.



对于我们的第五届年度活动,我们的目标是探索斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基与当代媒体各个方面的关系和影响的各个方面——电影、电视、广播、电子媒体、印刷和新闻,以及通过静态和动态图像、声音和音乐。我们现在邀请论文(20 分钟)、实践研讨会(40 分钟)和小组演讲(60 分钟,至少有 3 位演讲者)提交提案。请将简短的摘要(不超过 300 字)和简短的传记发送给 Paul Fryer 教授 – (paul@paulfryer.me.uk),不迟于 2019 年 11 月 29 日星期五到达。 有关主题演讲和演讲嘉宾、特别演讲的信息预订安排详情将于近期公布。本次活动的论文将发表在 2021 年春季版的斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基研究中。