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EQ + SQ = ST2: a spiritually intelligent approach to actor training. Part two: principles in practice
Stanislavski Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/20567790.2019.1644749
Jane Hensey

ABSTRACT This article follows on from a previous exploration (published in Vol. 6, # 1, May 2018) into the links between current psychological concepts of emotional and spiritual intelligence and Stanislavskian-based principles; here considering how aspects of both might be integrated into current training programmes. The author starts by outlining some key findings from a recent research project and goes on to answer some of the more challenging questions that might be raised against such an approach, before making recommendations for future exploration of the concepts. Current trainers have a responsibility to prepare students not just to “act well” but also to “work well” and – most importantly – to “live well” and this article continues to explore the question of “how?” introduced in Part One.


EQ + SQ = ST2:一种精神智慧的演员训练方法。第二部分:实践原则

摘要 本文继之前的探索(发表于 2018 年 5 月第 6 卷第 1 期)之后,探讨了当前情绪和精神智力的心理学概念与基于斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基原则之间的联系;在这里考虑如何将两者的各个方面整合到当前的培训计划中。作者首先概述了最近研究项目的一些关键发现,然后回答了一些可能针对这种方法提出的更具挑战性的问题,然后再为未来的概念探索提出建议。当前的培训师有责任让学生不仅“表现得好”,而且“工作得好”,最重要的是“生活得好”,本文继续探讨“如何?”的问题。在第一部分介绍。