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Trying to save the game(r): Understanding the self-disclosure of YouTube subscribers surrounding mental health in video-game vlog comments
Southern Communication Journal Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1080/1041794x.2020.1798494
Maria S. Mickles 1 , Andrea M. Weare 2

ABSTRACT This study analyzed the self-disclosure of YouTube subscribers surrounding mental health and their relationship with YouTube gamer co-hosts Dan Avidan and Arin Hanson of the channel Game Grumps. Via 10 subscriber interviews, this study sheds light on viewers’ motivations to subscribe to Game Grumps and to self-disclose mental-health struggles and what the implications for disclosing on YouTube are. Results revealed two overarching motivations and implications that embody mental-health disclosure on social media: (a) subscribers disclose a variety of mental-health experiences and provide the language to “own” them in a public space online and (b) disclosures make visible some subscribers’ coping processes and aim to mobilize others to create their own.



摘要这项研究分析了YouTube用户在心理健康方面的自我披露,以及他们与YouTube游戏玩家联合主持人Game Grumps频道的Dan Avidan和Arin Hanson的关系。通过10次订阅者访谈,这项研究揭示了观众订阅游戏脾气和自我披露心理健康斗争的动机,以及在YouTube上公开内容的含义。结果揭示了体现在社交媒体上的心理健康披露的两个总体动机和含义:(a)订户披露各种心理健康体验,并提供在网上公共空间“拥有”它们的语言;(b)披露使可见一些订户的应对过程,旨在动员其他订户创建自己的订户。