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Investigating the link between remittances and inflation: evidence from the Philippines
South East Asia Research ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0967828x.2020.1793685
John Paolo R. Rivera 1 , Tereso S. Tullao 2

ABSTRACT From a macroeconomic perspective, scholarly literature has established that remittances are inflationary because they fuel higher consumer spending through increased income. However, from the perspective of household decision-making, remittances can taper consumption variations and soften inflationary pressures. In this study, we probe whether rising inflation in remittance-recipient economies triggers the sending of remittances. In evaluating the impact of inflation in the Philippines, we found that increases in inflation can prompt the sending of more remittances from migrant relatives in the short run. More than the anticipation of remittances during inflationary periods, it was shown that remittances are not necessarily inflationary. There were other more dominant internal factors that can stimulate inflationary pressures. Thus, the usual arguments that remittances contribute to economic instability still warrant further investigations.



摘要 从宏观经济的角度来看,学术文献已经确定汇款是通货膨胀的,因为它们通过增加收入来推动更高的消费者支出。然而,从家庭决策的角度来看,汇款可以缩小消费变化并缓解通胀压力。在这项研究中,我们探讨了汇款接收经济体通胀上升是否会触发汇款发送。在评估菲律宾通货膨胀的影响时,我们发现通货膨胀的增加会促使移民亲属在短期内汇出更多的汇款。除了在通货膨胀期间对汇款的预期之外,还表明汇款不一定会导致通货膨胀。还有其他更重要的内部因素可以刺激通胀压力。因此,