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Jahaji-bahin feminism: a de-colonial Indo-Caribbean consciousness
South Asian Diaspora ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1080/19438192.2020.1765072
Brinda Mehta 1

ABSTRACT This essay examines the trope of jahaji-bahin consciousness through a de-colonial feminist lens to highlight the ways in which Indo-Caribbean women claim a sense of identity and belonging in the Caribbean while resisting colonial and patriarchal stereotypes, social marginality, and gender anomie in circumscribed spaces. What is the scope of jahaji-bahin consciousness as a form of de-colonial feminist thought? How does it engender localised forms of resistance to colonial and patriarchal forms of oppression within the Anglophone Caribbean? How are the silenced voices of Indo-Caribbean women given form and texture within these self-generating paradigms of feminism to create an important global south feminist positionality? These questions will be explored in the Anglophone writings of Indo-Caribbean authors Ramabai Espinet and Gaiutra Bahadur.


Jahaji-bahin 女权主义:去殖民化的印度-加勒比意识

jahaji-bahin 意识作为一种去殖民化的女权主义思想形式的范围是什么?它如何在讲英语的加勒比地区产生对殖民和父权制压迫形式的局部形式的抵抗?在这些自生自发的女权主义范式中,印度-加勒比妇女沉默的声音如何被赋予形式和质地,以创造一个重要的全球南方女权主义立场?这些问题将在印度-加勒比地区作家拉马拜·埃斯皮内特和盖乌特拉·巴哈杜尔的英语著作中进行探讨。