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Time poverty of Pakistani immigrant women in Toronto
South Asian Diaspora ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/19438192.2017.1406978
Leslie Nichols 1 , Taraneh Etemadi 2 , Vappu Tyyskä 3

ABSTRACT Over decades, economists and sociologists have established that women tend to work more than men if both paid and unpaid work are counted. Even with women’s increased labour force participation, men have only shown modest increases in unpaid domestic work. This study demonstrates, through time use diaries and interviews, a unique time use pattern by Pakistani Canadian immigrant women. The eight women in this study performed all or nearly all unpaid household tasks, suffered from time poverty due to cultural and family pressures, and experienced varying degrees of dis/satisfaction with their time use, becoming more aware of it through their participation in this project. This study concludes with policy implications, centering on the negative influences of the male breadwinner model on immigrant women which constructs them as a ‘burden’ on their husbands and renders these women’s unpaid work invisible.



摘要 几十年来,经济学家和社会学家已经确定,如果将有偿和无偿工作都计算在内,女性的工作量往往比男性多。即使女性的劳动力参与率有所增加,男性在无报酬的家务劳动方面也仅略有增加。本研究通过时间使用日记和访谈展示了巴基斯坦加拿大移民妇女独特的时间使用模式。本研究中的 8 位女性承担了全部或几乎全部无偿家务,由于文化和家庭压力而遭受时间贫困,对时间使用体验不同程度的不满意/不满意,通过参与该项目更加了解这一点. 本研究的结论是政策含义,