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Exploring ‘juju’ and human trafficking: towards a demystified perspective and response
South African Review of Sociology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/21528586.2016.1222913
Marcel van der Watt 1 , Beatri Kruger 2

ABSTRACT An existing hiatus in empirical research related to the use of ‘juju’ rituals as a spiritual or psychological control mechanism by perpetrators to subjugate victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation has underscored the need for this exploratory study. The phenomenon is shrouded in secrecy and little is known about what juju entails and how it is used to subdue victims. The aim of this article is to explore juju as a phenomenon, whilst illuminating some of the multi-layered complexities associated with its use as a control mechanism. The available literature and in-depth interviews with local and international actors in the field contributed to the unveiling of this phenomenon in the South African and broader counter-trafficking context. The research confirmed that juju is in fact a reality that numerous victims of Nigerian traffickers have to contend with. The article clarifies how traffickers use juju rituals as an effective control mechanism and catalyst to instil profound fear amongst victims, whilst compounding efforts by response agencies and criminal justice practitioners to combat human trafficking. Finally, suggestions for a more informed counter-trafficking response and recommendations for future research are offered which include the need for a variety of perspectives to be incorporated in the quest for a better understanding of juju and the human trafficking nexus.



摘要 与使用“juju”仪式作为犯罪者的精神或心理控制机制来征服以性剥削为目的的人口贩运受害者相关的实证研究中存在的中断强调了进行这项探索性研究的必要性。这种现象笼罩在秘密之中,人们对 juju 意味着什么以及它如何用来制服受害者知之甚少。本文的目的是探索 juju 作为一种现象,同时阐明与将其用作控制机制相关的一些多层复杂性。现有文献以及对该领域当地和国际参与者的深入采访有助于在南非和更广泛的反人口贩运背景下揭示这一现象。研究证实,juju 实际上是尼日利亚贩运者的众多受害者不得不面对的现实。文章阐明了人贩子如何利用枣树仪式作为有效的控制机制和催化剂,向受害者灌输深深的恐惧,同时加大应对机构和刑事司法从业人员打击人口贩运的力度。最后,提供了更明智的反人口贩运对策的建议和对未来研究的建议,其中包括在寻求更好地了解 juju 和人口贩运关系时需要纳入各种观点。同时加强应对机构和刑事司法从业人员打击人口贩运的努力。最后,提供了更明智的反人口贩运对策的建议和对未来研究的建议,其中包括在寻求更好地了解 juju 和人口贩运关系时需要纳入各种观点。同时加强应对机构和刑事司法从业人员打击人口贩运的努力。最后,提供了更明智的反人口贩运对策的建议和对未来研究的建议,其中包括在寻求更好地了解 juju 和人口贩运关系时需要纳入各种观点。