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Indigenous African ethics and land distribution
South African Journal of Philosophy ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02580136.2019.1706383
Erasmus Masitera 1

This article focuses on land allocation through invoking African values. It seeks to provide a contrast to other rectifications of skewed colonial land distributions from African values, and it also offers an alternative to the land distributive justice that has tended to be premised on Western entitlement or rights-oriented thought. The article proposes conceptualising land distribution specifically based on indigenous African ethics of Unhu/ubuntu, a quintessential southern African ethic of being humane and living communally. The humaneness and communitarian life are centred on values such as relationality, cooperation, common good and equal distribution of communal goods. Through articulating each value, and indicating its usefulness in land distribution, the article hopes to provide an African account of distributive justice in respect of land redistribution.



本文着重于通过非洲价值观的土地分配。它力求与非洲价值观念偏向的殖民地土地分布的其他整治形成对比,并为以西方权利或权利思想为前提的土地分配正义提供另一种选择。本文提出了概念化土地分配的概念,特别是基于非洲土著民族的Unhu / ubuntu伦理,Unhu / ubuntu是典型的南部非洲人道与社区生活伦理。人道和社区生活的核心是价值观,例如关系,合作,共同利益和公共物品的平等分配。通过阐明每个价值,并指出其在土地分配中的作用,