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The military and democratisation in post-Mugabe Zimbabwe
South African Journal of International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10220461.2020.1791729
Enock Ndawana 1

ABSTRACT This article discusses the continued dominance of the Zimbabwean military in the political developments in the country. It is the product of data collected through review of available literature and interviews with officials in both the public and private sectors. The article argues that the recent military intervention in electoral politics, the continuing factional wars within ZANU-PF, and the veto of parliamentary resolutions by Zimbabwe’s military largely demonstrate a regression of democracy in which the military elite’s narrow interests are cloaked in the national interest. It establishes that President Emmerson Mnangagwa assumed power in 2017 following the departure of President Robert Mugabe mostly due to pressure from the military, a force that remains the key determinant factor in who rules Zimbabwe. Consequently, the analysis concludes, the Zimbabwean military is likely to continue hamstringing democratisation as long as it remains embedded in the country’s partisan politics.



摘要 本文讨论了津巴布韦军队在该国政治发展中的持续主导地位。它是通过查阅现有文献和采访公共和私营部门官员收集的数据的产物。文章认为,最近对选举政治的军事干预、ZANU-PF 内部持续的派系战争以及津巴布韦军方对议会决议的否决在很大程度上表明了民主的倒退,其中军事精英的狭隘利益被国家利益所掩盖。它确定埃默森·姆南加古瓦总统在罗伯特·穆加贝总统下台后于 2017 年掌权,这主要是由于军方的压力,军队仍然是决定津巴布韦统治者的关键决定因素。最后,