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BOOK REVIEW: Political Corruption and Democratic Governance
South African Journal of International Affairs ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10220461.2019.1654407
Sithembile Mbete 1

than as active agents of social transformation. Political Protest in Contemporary Africa points to various avenues for future research that could animate scholars, activists and policymakers in understanding, determining and timing the waves of protests in sub-Saharan Africa. However, it would do well in future editions to correct some inconsistencies and errors. For example, Mueller refers to Jomo Kenyatta, the first post-independence president of Kenya, as editor of the pre-independence local vernacular newspaper Mumenyereri. Kenyatta was in fact the editor ofMuiguithania, another pre-independence local language newspaper (Henry Mworia Mwaniki was the founder and editor ofMumenyereri). The book’s treatment of Kenya’s Ufungamano Initiative is also flippant and sketchy; it focuses more on the weaknesses of the pro-democracy social movement of the 1990s, downplaying the crucial role it played in the state. Mueller, in her conclusion, addresses the development community and policymakers, arguing for the utility of recognising certain kinds of protesters as legitimate political actors who are eligible for assistance. However, the book will likely be of much more use to scholars, activists, students and those interested in the role African social movements play in transforming society – especially in their capacity to mobilise collective action among different classes. It makes the book a worthwhile read.



而不是作为社会变革的积极推动者。当代非洲的政治抗议指出了未来研究的各种途径,这些途径可以激励学者、活动家和政策制定者理解、确定和把握撒哈拉以南非洲的抗议浪潮。但是,它会在未来的版本中很好地纠正一些不一致和错误。例如,穆勒提到肯尼亚独立后第一任总统乔莫·肯雅塔(Jomo Kenyatta)是独立前当地白话报纸 Mumenyereri 的编辑。肯雅塔实际上是另一家独立前当地语言报纸《Muiguithania》的编辑(Henry Mworia Mwaniki 是 Mumenyereri 的创始人和编辑)。这本书对肯尼亚 Ufungamano 倡议的处理也是轻率和粗略的。它更多地关注 1990 年代亲民主社会运动的弱点,淡化了它在国家中发挥的关键作用。穆勒在她的结论中向发展界和政策制定者发表讲话,主张承认某些类型的抗议者是有资格获得援助的合法政治行为者的效用。然而,这本书可能对学者、活动家、学生和那些对非洲社会运动在改变社会中所起的作用感兴趣的人更有用——尤其是在他们动员不同阶级集体行动的能力方面。它使这本书值得一读。主张承认某些类型的抗议者是有资格获得援助的合法政治行为者的效用。然而,这本书可能对学者、活动家、学生和那些对非洲社会运动在改变社会中所发挥的作用感兴趣的人——尤其是他们在不同阶级之间动员集体行动的能力——有更多用处。它使这本书值得一读。主张承认某些类型的抗议者是有资格获得援助的合法政治行为者的效用。然而,这本书可能对学者、活动家、学生和那些对非洲社会运动在改变社会中所起的作用感兴趣的人更有用——尤其是在他们动员不同阶级集体行动的能力方面。它使这本书值得一读。