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Celebrating traditional medical practice in the Shona novel Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe
South African Journal of African Languages ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02572117.2019.1617998
Willie Chigidi 1, 2 , Tyanai Charamba 1, 2

This article attempts to make a critical appraisal of PHD Ngwaraingwe’s novel, Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe. This novel was published in 1984, a few years into Zimbabwe’s independence, but both the author and his work are little known by readers in the country. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to unravel Ngwaraingwe’s artistic and creative purpose in writing this novel and perhaps draw readers’ and critics’ attention to it. The article makes the assertion that Ngwaraingwe aimed at making his contribution to the cultural revival that characterised the early years of independence in Zimbabwe. Guided by Afrocentricity, the writers of this article argue that Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe is an attempt by Ngwaraingwe at propping up Shona traditional medicine and its practitioners by riding on the crest of the euphoric and celebratory mood that dominated the early post-independence years in Zimbabwe. Ngwaraingwe employs the oral narrative technique, and takes an ideological position to make a strong bid in favour of recognising Shona cultural institutions in national development. However, his bid to persuade the reader to buy into his project fails due to the introduction of fantastic elements and the use of sickening and unpleasant language.


在Shona小说Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe中庆祝传统医学实践

本文试图对PHD Ngwaraingwe的小说Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe进行严格的评估。这本小说出版于1984年,距津巴布韦建国几年。但该国作家和他的作品在该国读者中鲜为人知。因此,本文的目的是要阐明恩格瓦拉宁威在创作这本小说时的艺术和创作目的,并可能引起读者和评论家的关注。文章断言,恩格瓦拉威格(Ngwaraingwe)致力于为津巴布韦独立初期的文化复兴做出贡献。在以非洲为中心的指导下,本文的作者认为,Ndoitawo Zvakaita Vamwe是Ngwaraingwe试图通过在欣然独立的前几年占主导地位的欣快和喜庆情绪的顶峰来支撑Shona传统医学及其实践者的尝试。Ngwaraingwe运用口述叙事技术,并在意识形态上坚决主张在国家发展中承认绍纳文化机构。但是,由于引入了奇妙的元素以及令人讨厌和令人不愉快的语言的使用,他试图说服读者购买其项目的努力失败了。