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Donations tax implications of BEE transactions: More than meets the eye?
South African Journal of Accounting Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-20 , DOI: 10.1080/10291954.2019.1675256
Muneer Hassan 1 , Michelle van Heerden 1

Apartheid in South Africa left a legacy of inequality in every sphere – political, social and economic. The first democratically elected government in 1994 introduced a Black Economic Empowerment (hereafter BEE) strategy to rectify these inequalities. This strategy was accompanied by a BEE Act and the BEE Codes of Good Practice. South African companies subscribed to the BEE strategy for various reasons. A salient fact in all BEE transactions is a discount element presented to the previously disadvantaged investor. This discount element raises the question of whether donations tax arises on these transactions. At first glance, the answer appears straightforward in that no donations tax should arise as this would hinder government’s policy objective of redressing the inequalities of the past. However, there is more to this issue. The purpose of the study on which this article is based was to analyse the overwhelmingly complex BEE structures that have been implemented and to determine the donations tax implications at the various transactional levels. The contribution of this study is that it revealed that tax commentators have taken a simplistic approach to answering the question and that the donations tax implications on the discount element are contentious and unclear. The authors seek to rectify this uncertainty through legislative amendment.



南非的种族隔离制度在政治,社会和经济各个领域都留下了不平等的遗产。1994年,第一届民主选举政府引入了黑人经济赋权(以下简称BEE)战略,以纠正这些不平等现象。该策略伴随有《 BEE法》和《 BEE良好行为准则》。南非公司出于各种原因而订阅了BEE策略。所有BEE交易中的一个突出事实是给先前处于不利地位的投资者带来的折扣。这种折扣因素提出了这样的问题:是否在这些交易中产生捐赠税。乍看之下,答案似乎直截了当,因为不应该征收任何捐赠税,因为这会阻碍政府纠正过去不平等现象的政策目标。但是,这个问题还有更多。本文所基于的研究的目的是分析已经实施的极其复杂的BEE结构,并确定各个交易级别的捐赠税影响。这项研究的贡献在于,它表明税务评论员采取了一种简单的方法来回答这个问题,并且折扣因素对捐赠税的影响是有争议的并且不清楚。作者力图通过立法修正来纠正这种不确定性。这项研究的贡献在于,它表明税务评论员采取了一种简单的方法来回答这个问题,而且折扣因素对捐赠税的影响是有争议的并且不清楚。作者力图通过立法修正来纠正这种不确定性。这项研究的贡献在于,它表明税务评论员采取了一种简单的方法来回答这个问题,而且折扣因素对捐赠税的影响是有争议的并且不清楚。作者力图通过立法修正来纠正这种不确定性。