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Conceptualizing the characteristics of moderate Muslims: a systematic review
Social Identities ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2020.1814720
Radzuwan Ab Rashid 1 , Syed Ali Fazal 2 , Zulazhan Ab. Halim 3 , Nasharudin Mat Isa 4 , Zuraidah Juliana Mohamad Yusoff 4 , Razali Musa 5 , Mohd Isa Hamzah 6

ABSTRACT Following the 9/11 terror attacks, public discourse on Islam worldwide has been characterized by the distinction between radical and moderate Muslims. In this context, moderate Muslims can play a significant role in international relations and promote moderate practice in global politics. In order to address the conceptual ambiguities and enhance our understanding of acceptable Islam, this study undertook a critical review of the term Moderate Muslim and the characteristics that could be associated with this description. A systematic search of the existing literature was conducted through the relevant scientific databases of ‘Scopus’ and ‘Web of Science’ using the keywords: ‘moderate Muslim’, ‘moderate Islam’, and ‘acceptable Islam’. The search resulted in 319 articles published between the years 2001 and 2018. Following a critical analysis, 29 publications were then used to identify the characteristics of Moderate Muslims. The findings revealed that practicing Acceptable Islam, with embedded traits of non-violence and liberalism, followed by the belief in democratic, secular, and pluralist methods coupled with a spirit of tolerance is what makes (or at least is expected of) a Moderate Muslim. It is hoped that apart from extending the theoretical body of knowledge of this label, this study will also contribute to the ongoing debate about what it means to be moderate, from diverse perspectives adopted by various scholars.



摘要在9/11恐怖袭击之后,全世界关于伊斯兰教的言论以激进穆斯林与温和穆斯林之间的区别为特征。在这种情况下,温和的穆斯林可以在国际关系中发挥重要作用,并促进全球政治中的温和实践。为了解决概念上的歧义并增强我们对可接受的伊斯兰教的理解,本研究对“适度的穆斯林”一词以及与该描述相关的特征进行了严格的审查。通过使用“中度穆斯林”,“中度伊斯兰”和“可接受的伊斯兰”等关键词,通过“ Scopus”和“科学网络”的相关科学数据库,对现有文献进行了系统的搜索。搜索结果发现2001年至2018年间发表了319篇文章。经过严格的分析,然后使用了29种出版物来确定中度穆斯林的特征。研究结果表明,实践具有中等性的穆斯林,具有非暴力和自由主义的内在特征,其次是对民主,世俗和多元化方法的信仰以及宽容精神,这使(或至少可以预期)成为温和的穆斯林。希望除了扩展该标签的理论知识体系之外,这项研究还将有助于从各种学者采用的不同角度对正在进行中的温和含义进行辩论。世俗的,多元化的方法与宽容精神相结合,才造就了(或至少可以预期)温和的穆斯林。希望除了扩展该标签的理论知识体系之外,这项研究还将有助于从各种学者采用的不同角度对正在进行中的温和含义进行辩论。世俗的,多元化的方法与宽容精神相结合,才造就了(或至少可以预期)温和的穆斯林。希望除了扩展该标签的理论知识体系之外,这项研究还将有助于从各种学者采用的不同角度对正在进行中的温和含义进行辩论。