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Mindfulness as a Construct in Urban Dwelling Minority Fifth Graders: Psychometric Properties of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM)
Smith College Studies in Social Work ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00377317.2019.1560801
Donna Wang 1 , Thalia MacMillan 2 , Michael Corke 3

ABSTRACT The operationalization and conceptualization of mindfulness into Westernized societies have shown certain challenges. Additional attention is needed to demonstrate the ways in which mindfulness is measured in youth and adolescents. This article explored the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure as a reliable and valid measure for youth in a convenience sample of fifth graders who are predominantly minority and living in an urban environment (n = 248). Results from an exploratory factor analysis show that construct validity was established with all 10 items loading on two factors. Unlike the original validation and many subsequent studies that were unidimensional, this study revealed two factors present in this sample: avoidance of feelings and present moment non-judgmental awareness. The model explained 50.37% of the total variance in the examination of mindfulness. The two factors also demonstrated acceptable divergent validity with measures of anxiety (factor 1: r = −0.45; factor 2: r = −0.67) and involuntary responses to stress (factor 1: r = −0.55; factor 2: r = −0.71). Discussion as to why two factors were found in our study, unlike many previous studies, is offered with suggestions for future research outlined.



摘要 正念在西方社会中的操作化和概念化已经显示出一定的挑战。需要额外注意展示衡量青年和青少年正念的方式。本文将儿童和青少年正念量度作为一种可靠且有效的量度,在五年级学生的便利样本中探索,这些样本主要是少数族裔并生活在城市环境中(n = 248)。探索性因素分析的结果表明,所有 10 个项目都加载在两个因素上,从而建立了结构效度。与最初的验证和许多后续的单维研究不同,这项研究揭示了这个样本中存在的两个因素:避免感觉和当下的非判断意识。该模型解释了 50。正念检查总方差的 37%。这两个因素在焦虑(因素 1:r = -0.45;因素 2:r = -0.67)和对压力的非自愿反应(因素 1:r = -0.55;因素 2:r = -0.71)方面也表现出可接受的发散效度)。与之前的许多研究不同,我们讨论了为什么在我们的研究中发现了两个因素,并提供了对未来研究的建议。