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The Father-in-law’s Relationship with His Son-in-law: A Preliminary Understanding
Smith College Studies in Social Work ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-06 , DOI: 10.1080/00377317.2018.1438243
Geoffrey L. Greif 1 , Michael E. Woolley 1

ABSTRACT Little information is available about fathers-in-law and their relationship with their sons-in-law. The authors draw from a mixed-methods study of 35 fathers-in-law to describe how three fathers-in-law with highly positive son-in-law relationships and three fathers-in-law with difficult son-in-law relationships talk about those relationships. All three fathers-in-law with positive relationships are married, had good relationships with their parents-in-law, treat their sons-in-law like family members, have good relationships with their daughters, and believe their daughter and son-in-law are a good team. Some of these fathers-in-law worked through issues with their sons-in-law to a positive resolution. The three fathers-in-law with difficult relationships had varied relations with their parents-in-laws, are close with their own children but keep their sons-in-law at an emotional distance and often communicate with them through their children (the son-in-law’s spouse). One father-in-law believes his daughter and son-in-law are a good team. These fathers-in-law believe their sons-in-law show unsettling traits and have, as a result, grown more distant from them with time. Clinical implications and suggestions for future research are included.



摘要 关于公公及其与女婿的关系的信息很少。作者通过对 35 位岳父的混合方法研究,描述了三个女婿关系非常积极的岳父和三个女婿关系困难的岳父是如何交谈的关于那些关系。三个关系正面的岳父都已婚,和公婆关系很好,把女婿当家人一样对待,和女儿关系很好,相信女儿和女婿-law是一个很好的团队。这些岳父中的一些与他们的女婿一起解决问题,以获得积极的解决方案。三个关系不好的岳父岳母和岳父岳母的关系各不相同,与自己的孩子很亲近,但与女婿保持情感距离,并经常通过孩子(女婿的配偶)与他们交流。一位岳父认为他的女儿和女婿是一个很好的团队。这些岳父认为他们的女婿表现出令人不安的特征,因此随着时间的推移与他们越来越疏远。包括临床意义和对未来研究的建议。