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Helpless and Defended: An Encounter with Class Counter-Transference
Smith College Studies in Social Work ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1080/00377317.2020.1706346
Melissa D. Weise 1

ABSTRACT A core standard of clinical social work is cultural competence and much has been written about its practice and application across difference, particularly in the arena of transference and countertransference. One of the least explored differences for cultural competence practice is class difference. Due to American erasure of the acknowledgment of the culture of class, this human experience often remains hidden to the practitioner, leading to enactments from hidden biases resulting from the intersection of many identities of both the clinical and client. Through the example of a real-life experience, this paper examines how one clinician became more aware of this unconscious material and its impacts on clinical work.



摘要 临床社会工作的一个核心标准是文化能力,关于其跨差异的实践和应用的文章很多,特别是在移情和反移情领域。文化能力实践中探索最少的差异之一是阶级差异。由于美国消除了对阶级文化的承认,这种人类经验往往对从业者来说是隐藏的,导致由于临床和客户的许多身份交叉导致的隐藏偏见而制定。通过现实生活中的例子,本文探讨了一位临床医生如何更加了解这种无意识的材料及其对临床工作的影响。