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The Ulcer of the Mughal Empire: Mughals and Marathas, 1680-1707
Small Wars & Insurgencies ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2020.1764711
Eric W. Osborne 1

ABSTRACT The Muslim Mughal Empire of India found itself at the height of its power under the reign of Emperor Aurangzeb (r. 1658–1707), yet the foundations of that power were unstable at the death of the emperor. While Aurangzeb was able to extend his dominion over the majority of the Indian sub-continent the cost of doing so greatly weakened Mughal fortunes in the years following his reign. This situation resulted from a shift in his religious policies towards non-Muslims that alienated groups in the empire that had once been part of a syncretic ruling relationship. The main problem group was the Marathas, whose insurgency Aurangzeb never fully defeated over the course of a twenty-seven-year war. The Marathas used the harsh religious stance of the emperor to mount a campaign for the creation of a Hindu kingdom in the area south of the Deccan Plateau. The failure to completely quell this revolt led to Maratha domination of large swaths of the northern Mughal Empire following the death of Aurangzeb. This heralded a decline in Mughal fortunes that were ultimately exploited by foreign powers, chief among them Great Britain.



摘要 印度的穆斯林莫卧儿帝国在奥朗则布皇帝(1658-1707 年在位)统治期间处于权力的顶峰,但在皇帝去世时,这种权力的基础并不稳定。虽然奥朗则布能够将他的统治扩展到印度次大陆的大部分地区,但这样做的代价在他统治后的几年里大大削弱了莫卧儿的财富。这种情况是由于他的宗教政策转向非穆斯林,疏远了帝国中曾经是融合统治关系一部分的群体。主要的问题群体是马拉塔人,在长达 27 年的战争中,他们的叛乱奥朗则布从未被完全击败。马拉地人利用皇帝严酷的宗教立场发起了在德干高原以南地区建立印度教王国的运动。奥朗则布死后,由于未能完全平息这场起义,马拉塔人统治了莫卧儿帝国北部的大片地区。这预示着莫卧儿财富的下降,这些财富最终被外国列强所利用,其中主要是英国。