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‘I will lay waste your cities, and you will become a desolation’. Insurgency and counter-insurgency in Judaea
Small Wars & Insurgencies ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2020.1764709
Gwyn Davies 1

ABSTRACT This article examines the two major and prolonged insurgencies that the Roman empire faced in Judaea in the first and second centuries C.E. It seeks to explain the historical contexts for these conflicts and to discuss the strategies pursued by both the imperial power and its insurgent enemies. In each case, once insurrection had broken out, the Roman authorities proceeded in a methodical manner involving the concentration of maximum force to achieve the goal of suppression. On the other hand, their Jewish enemies sought out adaptive responses that took account of the overwhelming imperial strength and applied the lessons learned from the failure of the First Revolt to re-imagine the course of opposition in the Second. The use of exemplary violence as a coercive tool of policy is discussed as is the challenge of dealing with an internally fractured and factionalized population.


'我必使你的城邑荒凉,你必变为荒凉' 。犹地亚的叛乱和反叛乱

摘要 本文考察了罗马帝国在公元 1 世纪和 2 世纪在犹太面临的两次主要和长期的叛乱,试图解释这些冲突的历史背景,并讨论皇权及其叛乱敌人所采取的策略。在每种情况下,一旦暴动爆发,罗马当局都会有条不紊地进行,包括集中最大力量以达到镇压的目的。另一方面,他们的犹太敌人寻求考虑到帝国压倒性力量的适应性反应,并应用从第一次起义失败中吸取的教训,重新设想第二次反抗的过程。