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An analysis of the Jewish-Roman War (66–73 AD) using contemporary insurgency theory
Small Wars & Insurgencies ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2020.1764710
Javier Jordán 1

ABSTRACT The present article seeks to identify variables that explain the success or failure of insurgent groups by using contemporary theories of insurgency. It then applies those variables to interpret tentatively an insurgency from classical antiquity: the Jewish-Roman War of 66–73 A.D. Although the results of one single empirical case cannot be generalised, they nonetheless constitute a preliminary element for the construction of a broader theoretical framework concerning the existence of elements of continuity in the phenomenon of insurgency.


使用当代叛乱理论分析犹太罗马战争(公元 66-73 年)

摘要 本文试图通过使用当代叛乱理论来确定解释叛乱团体成败的变量。然后,它应用这些变量来初步解释古典时代的叛乱:公元 66 年至 73 年的犹太罗马战争 虽然单个经验案例的结果不能一概而论,但它们仍然构成了构建更广泛理论框架的初步要素关于叛乱现象中是否存在连续性因素。