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‘Sçavoir bien badiner est un grand avantage’: Monkey Business in the Labyrinth of Versailles
Early Modern French Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/20563035.2019.1675986
Kathryn Rife Bastin 1

The Labyrinth of Versailles was a splendid horticultural space in early modern France frequented by courtiers and very likely by Louis XIV’s son the dauphin. In this article, the author argues that the Labyrinth stood as a vital locus of etiquette formation for the court, and more widely, the surrounding Parisian villages and early modern Europe at large. Fouquet’s usurpation of kingly authority comes into play, as well as political allegory, that tie together to show the crucial nature of the Labyrinth as an architectural space that ultimately influences comportment of the era. The author examines texts by Charles Perrault, Isaac de Benserade, and engravings by Sébastien Le Clerc. She considers two of the most important fountains within the verdant passageways, those of the monkey king and the monkey judge, which showcase the critical nature of imitation for acceptable comportment of the period.


'Sçavoirbien badiner est un grandvantage':凡尔赛宫迷宫中的猴子生意

凡尔赛迷宫是近代早期法国灿烂的园艺空间,它受到朝臣们的光顾,很可能是路易十四的儿子海豚之子。在本文中,作者认为迷宫是法院礼仪形成的重要场所,更广泛地是周围的巴黎村庄和整个早期的欧洲。福凯(Fouquet)对王权的篡夺以及政治寓言都在发挥作用,它们相互结合,显示出迷宫作为至关重要的建筑空间的最终本质,最终影响了时代。作者检查了Charles Perrault,Isaac de Benserade的文字以及SébastienLe Clerc的版画。她考虑了翠绿的通道中两个最重要的喷泉,即齐天大圣和齐天大圣的法官,