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Frenchmen Into Peasants Into Frenchmen: Revolutionary Past and Future in George Sand’s Nanon
Dix-Neuf ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-06 , DOI: 10.1080/14787318.2019.1699694
Biliana Kassabova 1

ABSTRACT Published following the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris Commune, George Sand's 1872 novel Nanon is written as the 1850 memoirs of a peasant woman who had lived through the French Revolution. Focusing on the temporal shifts of the novel, I argue that by considering the temporalities of Nanon in conjunction with spatial movements, we can see Sand's refusal to think about the Revolution as a rupture in history. In the novel, the Frenchmen of the urban revolution are substituted with peasants who can reach back into the Celtic origins of France and construct a more peaceful French society.



摘要普法战争和巴黎公社出版后,乔治·桑德(George Sand)1872年的小说《农奴》(Nanon)写成1850年一位经历过法国大革命的农民妇女的回忆录。着眼于小说的时间变化,我认为通过结合时间和空间运动来考虑纳农的时间性,我们可以看到桑德拒绝将革命视为历史的破裂。在小说中,城市革命的法国人被农民取代,他们可以回到法国凯尔特人的起源,并建设一个更加和平的法国社会。