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Progressive Waters: Memory, Narrative and Localism in Émile Zola’s L’inondation
Dix-Neuf Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14787318.2019.1683970
Abbey Carrico 1

ABSTRACT This article unpacks the role of water in Émile Zola’s L’inondation by analyzing the way in which the Garonne River creates and complicates individual identity. It connects to larger narratives of localism in the face of hydrological risk by situating Zola’s flood historically and ecocritically in relation to the actual Garonne flood of 1875. It suggests that Zola’s story, despite occasionally reinforcing nineteenth-century representations of a dichotomous human-nature relationship, ultimately reveals an inseparable conception of self and environment, and expresses the emotive significance of disaster stories following natural disasters.


渐进的水域:埃米尔·佐拉(Emile Zola)的《国家报》中的记忆,叙事和地方主义

摘要本文通过分析加龙河(Garonne River)创造和使个人身份复杂化的方式,阐明了水在埃米尔·佐拉(ÉmileZola)的《国家报》中的作用。通过在历史上和生态学上将佐拉的洪水与1875年的实际加龙河洪水相关联,将佐拉的洪水与历史上的水文风险联系起来。尽管佐罗的故事偶尔会强化十九世纪二分法人与自然关系的表述,但它暗示了佐拉的故事。最终揭示了一种与自我和环境密不可分的概念,并表达了自然灾害之后灾难故事的情感意义。