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Female Bodies of (Inter)National Significance: Marie-Guillemine Benoist, Germaine de Staël, and Claire de Duras
Dix-Neuf ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-28 , DOI: 10.1080/14787318.2018.1556511
Stacie Allan 1

ABSTRACT The allegorization of the female body as a national body after 1789 fixed the concept of femininity and distinguished between the representation of universal rights and access to them. This article contends that Marie-Guillemine Benoist’s Portrait d’une négresse (1800), Germaine de Staël’s Corinne ou l’Italie (1807), and Claire de Duras’s Ourika (1823) deliberately evoke allegory in their portrayals of women. This strategy challenges the limiting discourses of gender and nationhood and questions the foundations of a modern France. As such, the three women engage with the tensions surrounding visual representation that would come to the fore with the advent of Realism.



摘要1789年以后,女性作为国家机构的寓言确立了女性化的概念,并在普遍权利的代表权和获得权之间进行了区分。本文认为,玛丽·吉里明·贝诺斯特(Marie-Guillemine Benoist)的《正装肖像》(1800),杰曼·德·斯塔尔(Germaine deStaël)的《科琳·欧拉·意大利》(Corinne ou l'Italie)(1807)和克莱尔·杜拉斯(Claire de Duras)的《乌里卡》(Ourika)(1823)刻意唤起了对女性形象的讽刺意味。这一战略挑战了关于性别和民族的有限论述,并质疑了现代法国的基础。这样,这三个女人就随着现实主义的到来而引起视觉张力的紧张。