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‘Real Thinking’: American Human Rights Diplomacy and the Perils of Anti-Emotionalism, 1950-1980
Diplomacy & Statecraft ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09592296.2020.1760036
Roland Burke 1

ABSTRACT This analysis investigates the place of emotion within the United States human rights diplomacy, arguing that a persistent and self-conscious aversion to ‘emotionalism’ shaped American engagement with human rights and humanitarian questions across the 1950s and early 1960s. For an extended period, particularly within the United Nations, an insistent emphasis on the rituals of ‘reason’ was a significant impediment to the effective pursuit of American priorities in the human rights sphere. Whilst few prior to the mid-1960s, moments where emotion was recognised and embraced as integral increased by the 1970s, demonstrating its potential to advance human rights policy.



摘要 本分析调查了情绪在美国人权外交中的地位,认为对“情绪主义”的持久和自觉的厌恶塑造了美国在 1950 年代和 1960 年代初期对人权和人道主义问题的参与。在很长一段时间内,特别是在联合国内部,对“理性”仪式的持续强调是美国在人权领域有效追求优先事项的重大障碍。虽然在 1960 年代中期之前很少有人承认情感并将其视为不可或缺的时刻,但到 1970 年代有所增加,这表明它具有推进人权政策的潜力。