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Myron Taylor and the Bombing of Rome: The Limits of Law and Diplomacy
Diplomacy & Statecraft ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09592296.2020.1760035
Matthew Anthony Evangelista 1

ABSTRACT Myron Taylor, President Franklin Roosevelt’s personal representative to Pope Pius XII, carried out a difficult and ultimately futile mission during the Second World War: to persuade the Allies to spare Rome and the Vatican from aerial bombardment. Taylor was a Cornell law graduate and prominent industrial leader, enjoying Roosevelt’s confidence and well respected by Vatican officials, including Eugenio Pacelli, whom he had met before the latter assumed his position as pope. Yet Taylor’s attempts to prevent the bombing of Rome ran counter to prevailing military strategy and ideas about the legality, morality, and efficacy of targeting civilians. Taylor nevertheless pressed his ideas on American and British leaders, offering alternatives like declaring Rome an ‘open city’ and targeting hydroelectric plants instead of cities to disrupt the Italian war effort. He conveyed the pope’s entreaties, often including thinly veiled threats to rouse worldwide Catholic opinion against the Allies were Rome harmed. This analysis tells the story of a failed but historically important effort to preserve Rome and its citizens from aerial destruction.



摘要 富兰克林·罗斯福总统在教皇庇护十二世的私人代表迈伦·泰勒在第二次世界大战期间执行了一项艰巨且最终徒劳的任务:说服盟军使罗马和梵蒂冈免遭空袭。泰勒是康奈尔大学法学院毕业生和杰出的工业领袖,享有罗斯福的信任,并受到梵蒂冈官员的尊重,其中包括欧金尼奥·帕切利(Eugenio Pacelli),后者在后者担任教皇职位之前见过他。然而,泰勒试图阻止对罗马的轰炸与流行的军事战略和关于以平民为目标的合法性、道德和有效性的想法背道而驰。尽管如此,泰勒还是将他的想法强加于美国和英国领导人,提供替代方案,例如宣布罗马为“开放城市”并以水力发电厂而不是城市为目标来破坏意大利的战争努力。他传达了教皇的恳求,通常包括毫不掩饰的威胁,以唤起全世界天主教对盟军的看法,反对盟军受到罗马的伤害。这一分析讲述了一项失败但具有历史意义的努力,以保护罗马及其公民免受空中破坏。