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Nation Branding: A Useful Category for International History
Diplomacy & Statecraft ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09592296.2019.1671000
Jessica Gienow-Hecht 1

ABSTRACT This analysis suggests nation branding” as a useful category for the study of international relations and international history. In the past 15 years, entrepreneurs have invented nation branding as something new and modern, and governments the world over have signed up for cost-intensive campaigns to brand their countries’ images abroad. However, practices of nation branding have been around much longer. Indeed, the history of nation branding avant la lettre needs writing. That history provides a major encasement for the multitude of individual studies dedicated to soft power, public diplomacy, and cultural relations across time and space. This analysis looks first the at current experts and discourses on nation branding. Second, it sketches nation branding’s emergence from the end of the early modern period to the present. Third, it suggests a number of historical examples to inspire future research.



摘要 该分析表明,“国家品牌”是研究国际关系和国际历史的一个有用类别。在过去的 15 年里,企业家们发明了国家品牌作为一种新的和现代的东西,世界各国政府都签署了成本密集的运动,以在国外树立国家形象。然而,国家品牌的实践已经存在了更长时间。的确,民族品牌先锋文学的历史需要书写。这段历史为众多致力于软实力、公共外交和跨时空文化关系的个人研究提供了一个重要的包装。该分析首先着眼于当前关于国家品牌建设的专家和话语。其次,它描绘了民族品牌从近代末期到现在的兴起。第三,