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Old challenges, changing contexts: reviewing and reflecting on information provision for parents of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing
Deafness & Education International ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14643154.2018.1506072
Emily Kecman 1

ABSTRACT The provision of information is generally not a technical activity, but rather a contextualized social action. Previous research about informed-choice and decision-making for parents of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing (POCDHH) has demonstrated this, highlighting the close relationship between contextual factors and the nature of information parents are provided with to support decision-making on behalf of their children. Such contextual factors involve human elements such as attitudes, values and beliefs of individuals involved in the transfer of information, as well as broader contextual factors such as changing information technology and changing markets. This paper reviews literature from a range of fields relating directly and indirectly to issues of informed decision-making for POCDHH. These studies provide an overview of issues such as current understandings of what type of information does (or does not) support decision-making, as well as highlighting the importance of considering how information is presented. Approaches used in other fields to address issues of reliability of information are also discussed. To complement this literature review, the article includes an auto-ethnographic component documenting my own attempts as a POCDHH to garner reliable information on behalf of my daughter within a discursive environment where the material often appeared inconsistent with best practice informed-choice and decision-making principles.



摘要 信息的提供通常不是一项技术活动,而是一种情境化的社会行动。先前关于耳聋或听力障碍儿童 (POCDHH) 父母知情选择和决策的研究已经证明了这一点,强调了背景因素与父母提供的支持决策的信息性质之间的密切关系。代表他们的孩子制作。这种背景因素涉及人为因素,例如参与信息传递的个人的态度、价值观和信念,以及更广泛的背景因素,例如不断变化的信息技术和不断变化的市场。本文回顾了与 POCDHH 的知情决策问题直接或间接相关的一系列领域的文献。这些研究提供了一些问题的概述,例如当前对哪些类型的信息支持(或不支持)决策的理解,并强调了考虑如何呈现信息的重要性。还讨论了在其他领域中用于解决信息可靠性问题的方法。为了补充这篇文献综述,这篇文章包含了一个自我民族志成分,记录了我自己作为一个 POCDHH 在一个话语环境中代表我女儿收集可靠信息的尝试,在这种环境中,材料经常出现与最佳实践知情选择和决策不一致原则。还讨论了在其他领域中用于解决信息可靠性问题的方法。为了补充这篇文献综述,这篇文章包含了一个自我民族志成分,记录了我自己作为一个 POCDHH 在一个话语环境中代表我女儿收集可靠信息的尝试,在这种环境中,材料经常出现与最佳实践知情选择和决策不一致原则。还讨论了在其他领域中用于解决信息可靠性问题的方法。为了补充这篇文献综述,这篇文章包含了一个自我民族志成分,记录了我自己作为一个 POCDHH 在一个话语环境中代表我女儿收集可靠信息的尝试,在这种环境中,材料经常出现与最佳实践知情选择和决策不一致原则。