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Passing for recognition – deaf children’s moral struggles languaging in inclusive education settings
Deafness & Education International ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/14643154.2018.1561783
Patrick Stefan Kermit 1, 2

ABSTRACT Critical theoretical approaches to the concept of recognition emphasise the Hegelian concept of a morally motivated struggle to obtain an identity that can be characterised as authentic. This paper takes the concept of a struggle for recognition, Erwing Goffman’s concept of “passing”, and the cross-disciplinary concept of languaging as its theoretical points of departure. Data from two empirical studies – one of children with cochlear implants in a school for the deaf and one of these children languaging with typically hearing peers – are presented. The data show that the deaf children in the mainstream kindergarten and school frequently display the behaviour that Goffman coined passing: they pretend to understand, strive to appear as if they were typically hearing, and deploy a range of strategies designed to conceal that they have trouble understanding their peers. Goffman’s work on passing is combined with the data at hand in order to understand passing both as a challenging and exhausting activity and as a symptom indicating that the deaf children experience stigma in Goffman’s sense. Passing can be understood as a struggle for recognition, but since passing is a strategy at odds with the idea of an authentic identity presupposed in Critical Theory, behaviours of passing might be understood as a moral problem that can be displayed and analysed in various ways. The paper concentrates on questions of what Axel Honneth calls “solidary recognition” and suggests that the methodological implications of the way that children’s languaging practices are approached should be subjected to further investigation.


通过认可 - 聋童在包容性教育环境中的道德斗争

摘要 承认概念的批判理论方法强调黑格尔的概念,即通过道德动机的斗争来获得可以被表征为真实身份的身份。本文以争取承认的概念、欧文·戈夫曼的“通过”概念、语言学的跨学科概念为理论出发点。展示了来自两项实证研究的数据——一名在聋哑学校植入人工耳蜗的儿童,另一名与听力正常的同龄人交流。数据显示,主流幼儿园和学校的聋童经常表现出戈夫曼创造的传球行为:他们假装理解,努力表现得好像他们通常在听,并部署一系列旨在掩盖他们无法理解同龄人的策略。戈夫曼关于传球的工作与手头的数据相结合,以便将传球理解为一项具有挑战性和令人精疲力竭的活动,并作为表明失聪儿童在戈夫曼意义上遭受耻辱的一种症状。传球可以理解为一种争取认可的斗争,但由于传球是一种与批判理论预设的真实身份观念不一致的策略,传球行为可能被理解为一个道德问题,可以通过各种方式进行展示和分析。这篇论文集中讨论了 Axel Honneth 所说的“团结承认”的问题,并建议应该进一步调查处理儿童语言实践方式的方法论意义。