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Expanding Testimony: Dance Performance as a Mode of Witnessing in Richard Move’s Lamentation Variation
Dance Chronicle ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/01472526.2019.1673111
Victoria Thoms

Abstract In this article I explore dance’s potential to serve as a form of trauma testimony. I first define trauma and testimony and consider how literature, the favored medium of testimony in trauma studies, offers ways to think about dance as a means of bearing witness. I further suggest that dance as a vehicle of expression provides as yet under-explored possibilities for testimony because its embodied character offers new forms of affective witnessing in our troubled geopolitical moment. Specifically, I study Richard Move’s Lamentation Variation, commissioned by the Martha Graham Dance Company in 2007, and ask how the piece reworks the traumatic dimensions of falling that have so prolifically characterized memories of 9/11.



摘要 在本文中,我探讨了舞蹈作为一种创伤证言形式的潜力。我首先定义了创伤和证词,并考虑了作为创伤研究中首选的证词媒介的文学如何提供将舞蹈视为见证手段的方式。我进一步建议,舞蹈作为一种表达工具,为证词提供了尚未充分探索的可能性,因为它的具体特征在我们陷入困境的地缘政治时刻提供了新的情感见证形式。具体来说,我研究了 2007 年受玛莎格雷厄姆舞蹈团委托创作的 Richard Move 的 Lamentation Variation,并询问这件作品如何重新演绎跌倒的创伤维度,而这些维度对 9/11 的记忆如此丰富。