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Supervision from Afar: trainees’ perspectives on telesupervision
Counselling Psychology Quarterly ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09515070.2020.1770697
Paula A. Bernhard 1 , Joshua S. Camins 1


Telesupervision, or supervision at a distance, has become more widely used due to its many practical and economic benefits, with research suggesting it is as satisfactory as traditional, in-person supervision processes. Particularly as a result of the global pandemic COVID-19 limiting in-person contact, use of telesupervision has even become mandatory for some training sites. In the current article, two doctoral-level clinical psychology student trainees provided their perspectives on participating in telesupervision during practicum training at a telepsychology clinic prior to COVID-19 and briefly highlighted how it has applied to their work in the current environment. Their experiences are discussed in conjunction with relevant supervision literature, as well as the impact on the trainees’ development. The trainees’ perspectives support the notion that telepsychology can be a positive component of training, irrespective of public health concerns, and specific positive factors of using telesupervision are discussed.




远程监督或远程监督因其许多实际和经济利益而得到更广泛的应用,研究表明它与传统的面对面监督过程一样令人满意。特别是由于全球大流行 COVID-19 限制了面对面的接触,某些培训场所甚至必须使用电视监督。在当前的文章中,两名博士级临床心理学实习生提供了他们在 COVID-19 之前在远程心理学诊所实习培训期间参与远程监督的观点,并简要强调了它如何应用于他们在当前环境中的工作。结合相关督导文献讨论了他们的经验,以及对学员发展的影响。
