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Sans finir la catastrophe : Demeurer dans Le Rivage des Syrtes
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/17409292.2020.1782652
Hugo Bujon 1

Abstract Le Rivage des Syrtes, a 1952 novel by Julien Gracq, narrates the trajectory of Orsenna, a fictional Western empire, toward its obliteration. This article analyzes the decadence that gives birth to the “dernière volonté [last will]” that initiates a path to obliteration. The empire’s decadence is unveiled as the state in which difference has become impossible, reflecting Orsenna’s ecocidal and colonial nature. The article then proposes that this last will is simultaneously a desire for one last difference, and the persistence of the drive that originally produced the state of general undifferentiation. The coexistence of these two opposing forces is what I call “pulsion de catastrophe,” a “cataclysmic drive” lodged in the empire’s “cœur noir [dark heart].” The article concludes by proposing that the cataclysmic drive is, paradoxically, part of the dynamics of survival exemplified by the novel’s protagonist, Aldo.


San finir la catastrophe:塞尔特河上的Demeurer dans Le Rivage des Syrtes

朱利安·格拉克(Julien Gracq)于1952年创作的小说《勒里瓦日·德·赛尔特》(Le Rivage des Syrtes)讲述了一个虚构的西方帝国奥森纳(Orsenna)走向灭亡的轨迹。本文分析了the废产生的“dernièrevolonté(最后遗嘱)”,这为initiate灭提供了可能。帝国的s废被揭露,成为无法实现差异的状态,反映了Orsenna的生态灭绝和殖民性质。然后,该文章提出,最后的意愿同时是对最后一个差异的渴望,以及最初产生普遍未分化状态的动力的持久性。这两个对立的力量并存,就是我所说的“大灾变脉冲”,这是帝国的“黑暗之心”中的一种“催化动力”。文章最后提出,大灾变驱动是反常的,