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The death of security sector reform? The South African exemplar revisited
Conflict, Security & Development ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-04 , DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2019.1570723
Gavin Cawthra 1

ABSTRACT Security sector reform (SSR) or transformation in South Africa has until recently almost universally been regarded as a success. While achievements have been real and many are enduring, under the presidency of Jacob Zuma a creeping effort by corrupt parvenu elites to capture the state for personal enrichment has become evident. The impact of this on the SSR project has not been sufficiently analysed. This article does not deal with state capture per se, which would be massive task and for which evidence is still emerging. It limits itself to the impact of state capture on the SSR project, examining the hollowing out of the defence function, as well as the corruption and factional politicisation of the intelligence, policing and prosecutions functions (it does not deal with the capture of state-owned enterprises, which would require a study in its own right). It concludes that SSR has been significantly undermined. The question is asked whether a resurrection is possible or desirable.



摘要直到最近,南非的安全部门改革(SSR)或转型几乎都被认为是成功的。尽管成就是真实的,而且许多成就是持久的,但在雅各布·祖玛(Jacob Zuma)总统的领导下,腐败的精英阶层为夺取国家个人财富而进行的不懈努力已变得显而易见。尚未充分分析这对SSR项目的影响。本文并不涉及状态捕获本身,这将是一项艰巨的任务,并且仍在不断出现证据。它仅限于状态捕获对SSR项目的影响,研究防空功能的空洞化,以及情报,维持治安和起诉职能的腐败和派系政治化(它不处理捕获状态-独资企业 这需要单独进行研究)。结论是,SSR已被大大破坏。有人问复活是可能的还是合乎需要的。