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Sri Lanka’s Schmittian peace: sovereignty, enmity and illiberal order
Conflict, Security & Development Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2019.1705067
David G. Lewis 1

ABSTRACT The dominant discourses and practices of post-Cold War liberal peace-building are increasingly challenged by illiberal and authoritarian alternatives. This article adds to the emerging literature on ‘authoritarian conflict management’ and ‘illiberal peace’ using the work of the controversial German jurist Carl Schmitt, the foremost theoretician of anti-liberal thought in the twentieth-century. I use the case of Sri Lanka to illustrate how Schmitt can be useful in understanding illiberal peace, not merely as an aberration from liberal norms of conflict resolution, but as an alternative paradigm that has an increasing global resonance beyond particular case studies. The Schmittian framework suggests that the most likely trend for post-liberal peace is not towards an emancipatory model of hybridity and compromise, but a retrograde ‘illiberal turn’ towards authoritarian political order and highly illiberal practices.



摘要冷战后自由和平建设的主流话语和做法越来越受到自由主义和专制主义的挑战。本文利用有争议的德国法学家卡尔·史密特(Carl Schmitt)的著作,增加了有关“威权主义冲突管理”和“自由和平”的新兴文献,卡尔·史密特是20世纪最重要的反自由主义理论家。我以斯里兰卡为例,说明了施密特如何在理解非法和平方面有用,不仅是解决冲突的自由规范的一种畸变,而且是一种替代范例,在特定案例研究之外引起了全球共鸣。施密特(Schmittian)框架表明,自由后和平的最可能趋势不是朝着混合与妥协的解放模式迈进,