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A Tribute
Computers in the Schools ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/07380569.2019.1565910
Cleborne D. Maddux , D. Lamont Johnson

Just before this issue was sent to press, CIS staff were saddened by news of the death of one of the pioneers in the field of information technology in education. Jerry Weldon Willis, Ph.D., age 75, passed away on December 7, 2018, after a lengthy illness. It is difficult to choose what to emphasize about Dr. Willis, since his accomplishments span so many different disciplines and areas of expertise. Jerry’s Ph.D. was in psychology, and he had a distinguished early career in that field, with appointments in several universities in Canada and the United States. We knew him during the 1980s at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, when the three of us were on the faculty of the College of Education. It was during this time that Jerry coauthored Computers for Everybody, which at one time was the only book featured in the computer section of the Smithsonian, where it was identified as being pivotal in launching the global computer revolution. One of the many unique things about Jerry was that he believed he could teach himself anything. Even more striking is that he proved repeatedly that he was right. When anything piqued his curiosity, he set about becoming an expert. He often went on to publish one or more books on the subject, eventually becoming the author or coauthor of dozens (perhaps hundreds) of volumes spanning a huge variety of topics. Many of the early books were authored from his underground house in Lubbock, Texas, a product of Jerry’s fascination with energy-efficient architecture. He often wrote from his underground study while a series of ceiling-mounted television sets were tuned, through the giant satellite dish upstairs, to three or more classic movies (another of his passions). His expertise covered, among many other fields, areas of education, computer science, higher education administration, qualitative research, international education, and technology in teacher education. Jerry was a very early advocate of the use of technology in education and he was partially instrumental in the creation of Computers in the Schools, the first edition of which appeared in 1984 (published by Haworth Press). Jerry was convinced that technology held the keys to improve education, and he set about convincing others of its potential. This led to the creation of the organization that is now SITE, The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, an international organization for which he served as founder and first president. Those of us who knew him were always awed by his intellect and his “can do” attitude. His capacity for study and hard work were legendary, as was his ability to lead. His voice will be missed, but his work will live on through his books, the organizations he helped to succeed, and the people he inspired to become a new generation of leaders.



就在此问题付印之时,独联体工作人员对新闻界教育领域的先驱之一去世的消息感到悲伤。享年75岁的杰里·韦尔登·威利斯(Jerry Weldon Willis)博士在长期病故后于2018年12月7日去世。由于威利斯博士的成就跨越了许多不同的学科和专业领域,因此很难选择要强调的内容。杰里博士 在心理学领域,他在该领域拥有杰出的早期职业,曾在加拿大和美国的几所大学任职。我们认识他是在1980年代德克萨斯州拉伯克市的德克萨斯科技大学,当时我们三个人都在教育学院任教。正是在这段时间里,杰里(Jerry)与人合着了《计算机》,该书曾一度是史密森尼计算机领域中唯一的一本书籍,被认为是发动全球计算机革命的关键。关于杰里的许多独特之处之一就是他相信自己可以自学任何东西。更惊人的是,他反复证明自己是对的。当任何事情激起了他的好奇心时,他便着手成为专家。他经常继续出版有关该主题的一本或多本书籍,最终成为数十本(也许数百本)涵盖不同主题的书籍的作者或合著者。许多早期书籍都是从他在得克萨斯州拉伯克市的地下房屋中撰写的,这是杰里对节能建筑的着迷。他经常在地下书房写书,同时调校了一系列吊顶电视,通过楼上巨大的卫星天线,观看三部或更多部经典电影(他的另一番热情)。他的专长包括许多其他领域,包括教育,计算机科学,高等教育管理,定性研究,国际教育和师范教育技术。杰里(Jerry)早就倡导在教育中使用技术,他在创建学校计算机方面发挥了部分作用,该计算机的第一版于1984年出版(由Haworth Press出版)。杰里深信技术是改善教育的关键,因此他开始说服他人其潜力。这导致创建了现在的SITE组织,即信息技术和教师教育协会,这是他担任创始人和第一任主席的国际组织。我们这些认识他的人总是对他的才智和他的“能做”态度感到敬畏。他的学习和辛勤工作的能力以及他的领导能力都具有传奇色彩。他的声音会被遗漏,但他的工作将通过他的著作,他所帮助的成功组织以及他所激发的成为新一代领导人的人们而得以延续。