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Why Do Veterinary Pathologists Attend CPD Events?
Services Marketing Quarterly Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15332969.2019.1707372
Elizabeth Fiona McInnes 1 , Peter D. Cockcroft 2

Abstract Continuing professional development (CPD) is essential for veterinary pathologists and participation is encouraged. The Charles Louis Davis and Samuel Wesley Thompson DVM Foundation organizes the annual Davis Thompson Foundation European Symposia (DTFES). An online questionnaire was sent to 446 previous delegates. Sixty-three delegates responded giving a response rate of 14.12%. The key conclusions were that the conference topic, reputation of speakers, cost and the chance to network were the most important attendance factors. The conference social events, tourist attractions of the conference host city, and scheduling were the least important attendance factors.



摘要持续的专业发展(CPD)对于兽医病理学家至关重要,因此鼓励其参与。查尔斯·路易斯·戴维斯(Charles Louis Davis)和塞缪尔·韦斯利·汤普森(Samuel Wesley Thompson)DVM基金会每年举办一次戴维斯·汤普森基金会欧洲研讨会(DTFES)。在线问卷已发送给446位先前的代表。六十三名与会代表回答了14.12%。关键结论是会议主题,演讲嘉宾的声誉,费用和建立交流的机会是最重要的出席因素。会议社交事件,会议主办城市的旅游景点和安排是最不重要的出席因素。