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Revisioning Reality: Transcending Space and Time in the Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn
Scrutiny2 ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/18125441.2017.1304440
Antony Goedhals 1

ABSTRACT The Victorian writer Lafcadio Hearn has been credited with being one of the first Westerners to adopt “Eastern”, specifically Buddhist, ideas about reality. The effect of Hearn's neo-Buddhist, quasi-scientific vision is to deconstruct Victorian certainties and generate new ways of thinking – new metaphors for constructing an understanding of the world. Hearn's engagement with Buddhism and science caused him to revision his understanding of time and space – of our place in the universe. The effect of his meditations is to change the way he conceives of the self – and also the way he understands the very fabric of reality. This essay outlines the scientific and religious theories that interested Hearn and looks at Hearn's coming to terms with some of these ideas in selected Buddhist writings from his oeuvre. The new metaphors for describing reality apparent in them – though they are now commonplaces of both New Age and of scientific discourse – were radical at the time, and potentially played a part in the fundamental reconceptualisation of reality that took place in the early twentieth century, especially in the fields of physics and cosmology.



摘要 维多利亚时代的作家拉夫卡迪奥·赫恩 (Lafcadio Hearn) 被认为是最早采用“东方”,特别是佛教观念的西方人之一。赫恩的新佛教、准科学愿景的效果是解构维多利亚时代的确定性并产生新的思维方式——构建对世界的理解的新隐喻。赫恩与佛教和科学的接触使他修正了他对时间和空间——我们在宇宙中的位置的理解。他的冥想的效果是改变他对自我的构想——以及他理解现实结构的方式。这篇文章概述了赫恩感兴趣的科学和宗教理论,并考察了赫恩在他的全部作品中选择的佛教著作中对其中一些想法的接受。