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Mexican Migrants and the Vocabulary of Transnationalism
Scrutiny2 ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18125441.2019.1650819
Teresa Carrillo 1

ABSTRACT This article examines elements of the vocabulary of migration in one film and two works of literature, considering how representations of Mexican migrants and their migrations can either support or resist anachronistic nationalist frameworks of citizenship. The first example, from the animated film Coco (dir. Lee Unkrich and Adrian Molina. Pixar/Walt Disney, 2017), focuses on the trope of border control and the depiction of a border crossing as characters from the land of the dead attempt to “cross” into the land of the living on the Day of the Dead. The scene’s light-hearted tone serves to underscore the process of normalisation of border control and the extreme forms of state power exercised at the border. The second example draws from a more solemn narrative of border crossing, related in Graciela Limón’s The River Flows North (Houston: Arte Público, 2009), to look closely at representations of the border itself and the agency of migrants in the crossing. Finally, I look to Sandra Cisneros’s short story “Woman Hollering Creek” (Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories. New York: Vintage, 1991) to explore the migration of the main character across multiple metaphorical borders. Each example highlights the power of language to either constrain or promote migrant empowerment and to extend the effective deployment of the vocabulary of transnationalism into discussions of political agency and rights.



摘要 本文考察了一部影片和两部文学作品中移民词汇的要素,考虑了墨西哥移民及其移民的表现如何支持或抵制不合时宜的民族主义公民框架。第一个例子来自动画电影 Coco(导演 Lee Unkrich 和 Adrian Molina。Pixar/Walt Disney,2017 年),重点是边境控制的比喻和过境点的描绘,因为来自死亡之地的角色试图在亡灵节“穿越”到活人的土地上。现场轻松的语气强调了边境控制正常化的过程和在边境行使的国家权力的极端形式。第二个例子取材于更严肃的越境叙述,与 Graciela Limón 的 The River Flows North(休斯顿:Arte Público,2009 年),仔细研究边界本身和过境点移民机构的表现。最后,我看一下 Sandra Cisneros 的短篇小说“Woman Hollering Creek”(Woman Hollering Creek 和其他故事。纽约:Vintage,1991)来探索主角跨越多个隐喻边界的迁移。每个例子都强调了语言在限制或促进移民赋权以及将跨国主义词汇的有效部署扩展到政治机构和权利的讨论中的力量。1991)探索主角跨越多个隐喻边界的迁移。每个例子都强调了语言在限制或促进移民赋权以及将跨国主义词汇的有效部署扩展到政治机构和权利的讨论中的力量。1991)探索主角跨越多个隐喻边界的迁移。每个例子都强调了语言在限制或促进移民赋权以及将跨国主义词汇的有效部署扩展到政治机构和权利的讨论中的力量。