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A Liability and Insurance Regime for Space Debris Mitigation
Science & Global Security ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08929882.2016.1127036
Ting Wang

ABSTRACT Concerns about the threat that space debris pose to satellites are expected to increase as the number of mostly non-maneuverable microsatellites in low-Earth orbit grows. International guidelines developed to mitigate the risk from space debris are frequently not followed, however, and may not be able to cope with the dramatic growth expected in the number of satellites. Moreover, the current legal framework is unable to determine who is liable for losses in an on-orbital collision. A space surveillance data-sharing committee is proposed to solve this liability problem. Under the proposed liability rules, satellite operators would be liable for the debris they create and insurance companies would cover such a risk, creating a new financial incentive for operators to adopt space debris mitigation guidelines.



摘要 随着近地轨道上大部分不可操纵的微型卫星数量的增加,对空间碎片对卫星构成的威胁的担忧预计会增加。然而,为减轻空间碎片带来的风险而制定的国际准则往往得不到遵守,而且可能无法应对卫星数量预期的急剧增长。此外,目前的法律框架无法确定谁应对在轨碰撞造成的损失负责。提出了一个空间监视数据共享委员会来解决这个责任问题。根据拟议的责任规则,卫星运营商将对他们产生的碎片负责,保险公司将承担此类风险,为运营商采用空间碎片减缓准则创造新的经济激励。