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Never Again! Remembering October 1917 in the Contemporary Russian Orthodox Church
Scando-Slavica ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00806765.2018.1449435
Margarete Zimmermann 1

ABSTRACT Revolution is a negatively connoted term within the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in contemporary Russia. Leaders of the ROC argue for unity and reconciliation regarding the still ambivalent memory of the October Revolution. This position mirrors official political discourse. This claim is intended to encompass all citizens (and believers), without regard for their political and historical preferences. For State and Church the culprit is located in the so-called West, where all revolutionary ideas come from. Therefore, so the argument goes, the February Revolution was the starting point and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in October only its logical and tragic consequence. The Church’s argumentation follows its own logic, but coincides with that of the government in condemning any kind of revolution in order to avoid a repeat of 1917.


再也不!在当代俄罗斯东正教教堂纪念 1917 年 10 月

摘要革命是当代俄罗斯俄罗斯东正教 (ROC) 中一个带有负面含义的术语。中华民国领导人就十月革命的矛盾记忆主张团结与和解。这一立场反映了官方的政治话语。这一主张旨在涵盖所有公民(和信徒),而不考虑他们的政治和历史偏好。对于国家和教会来说,罪魁祸首位于所谓的西方,那里是所有革命思想的来源。因此,论据如此,二月革命是起点,布尔什维克在十月夺取政权只是其合乎逻辑的悲剧性后果。教会的论证遵循其自身的逻辑,