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Bishops, war, and canon law
Scandinavian Journal of History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-04 , DOI: 10.1080/03468755.2019.1684356
Louisa Taylor

From around 1130 to 1240, Norway was troubled by a series of internal conflicts and succession disputes. In this article, I explore one element of Norwegian prelates’ conduct during this period which has received little attention: their involvement in military activities. By comparing how prelates are shown to behave during periods of military conflict in the kings’ sagas with the ideal mode of behaviour set out in canon law, instructional treatises, and papal letters, I explore the extent to which clerical involvement in military activities was considered acceptable in Norway across the high medieval period. I conclude that although it was considered ideal for clerics to eschew involvement in violent conflict, some direct participation in military activities was tacitly accepted within high medieval Norway. This role was limited, however, by the belief that the clergy should not shed blood or bear arms. Although there is some suggestion in sources for mid-13th-century Norway that prelates became less involved in military affairs across this period, there is little evidence that attitudes within Norway towards clerical participation in war had significantly shifted by the conclusion of the so-called ‘civil war’ period.



从1130年左右到1240年左右,挪威饱受一系列内部冲突和继承纠纷的困扰。在这篇文章中,我探讨了这一时期挪威主教的行为中很少受到关注的一个因素:他们参与军事活动。通过将国王传奇中的军事冲突期间主教的表现与教规、教学论文和教皇信件中规定的理想行为模式进行比较,我探讨了神职人员参与军事活动的程度在整个中世纪盛期的挪威都可以接受。我的结论是,尽管神职人员避免卷入暴力冲突被认为是理想的做法,但在中世纪的挪威,一些直接参与军事活动的做法被默许了。然而,这个角色是有限的,相信神职人员不应流血或携带武器。尽管在 13 世纪中叶挪威的消息来源中有一些暗示,在此期间,神职人员较少参与军事事务,但几乎没有证据表明挪威内部对神职人员参与战争的态度在所谓的“战争”结束后发生了显着变化。 “内战”时期。