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The change in Finnish Baltic policy as a turning point in Finnish-Soviet relations. Finland, Baltic independence and the end of the Soviet Union 1988-1991
Scandinavian Journal of History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/03468755.2020.1765861
Juha-Matti Ritvanen 1


The disintegration processes in the Soviet Union, in particular the emergence of independence movements in the Baltic States, posed a difficult challenge for Finland. This article examines the Finnish policy regarding the situation in the Baltic States in 1988–1991 and analyses the evolution of the views of the Finnish leadership based on recently declassified records in the personal collection of President Mauno Koivisto and the archives of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Finnish leadership’s point of departure was that the political developments in the Baltics should proceed in a controlled manner, without endangering the stability of the Soviet Union. Finland therefore avoided supporting the Baltic independence movement publicly, but did support it in the form of practical co-operation. The article shows that the change in Finnish Baltic policy was the result of a shift in power relations within the Soviet Union, after the failed coup attempt in Moscow in August 1991. Finland restored diplomatic relations with the Baltic States before the Soviet Union recognized the independence of its former republics. This episode paved way for the initiative to discard the FCMA treaty which had tied Finland to the Soviet sphere of influence.


芬兰波罗的海政策的变化是芬苏关系的转折点。芬兰、波罗的海独立和苏联解体 1988-1991


苏联的解体过程,特别是波罗的海国家独立运动的兴起,给芬兰带来了严峻的挑战。本文考察芬兰在 1988 年至 1991 年期间对波罗的海国家局势的政策,并根据最近解密的毛诺·科伊维斯托总统个人收藏和芬兰外交部档案中的记录分析了芬兰领导层观点的演变. 芬兰领导层的出发点是波罗的海的政治发展应该以可控的方式进行,而不会危及苏联的稳定。芬兰因此避免公开支持波罗的海独立运动,而是以务实合作的形式予以支持。文章表明,芬兰波罗的海政策的变化是 1991 年 8 月莫斯科未遂政变后苏联内部权力关系转变的结果。芬兰在苏联承认独立之前恢复了与波罗的海国家的外交关系其前共和国。这一事件为放弃将芬兰与苏联势力范围联系在一起的FCMA条约的倡议铺平了道路。
