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Acts of collusion: myth, media, and the populist imagination in the 2016 United States presidential election
Safundi ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17533171.2020.1778879
Sorin Radu Cucu 1

ABSTRACT This article considers the hypothesis that the 2016 nomination of Hillary Clinton appeared rigged because the Democratic Party persuaded itself that the next step in guaranteeing Obama’s legacy and advancing democratic progress would be the election of the first woman president. Democracy finds logical steps in politics suspicious (even dangerous); consequently, the constructed stability and order begin to falter or appear compromised. In this context, populist figures like Trump may gain political legitimacy by claiming to be outsiders speaking with the voice of the people. Populism, founded on a mythical notion of sovereignty, promises direct access to the democratic experience through four interconnected mythologies (unity, conspiracy, the golden age, and the savior), as evident in the 2016 election. The democratic struggle accordingly extended to Trump’s attacks on the media (as “fake news”) and to the Mueller investigation of collusion between the Trump campaign and foreign actors representing the Russian government.



摘要本文考虑了以下假设:2016年希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)提名之所以出现,是因为民主党说服自己,保证奥巴马的遗产和促进民主进步的下一步是选举第一位女总统。民主认为政治中的逻辑步骤是可疑的(甚至是危险的)。结果,所构造的稳定性和秩序开始动摇或显得受损。在这种情况下,像特朗普这样的民粹主义者可能会声称自己是外人以人民的声音讲话而获得政治合法性。建立在神话般的主权概念上的民粹主义有望通过四个相互关联的神话(团结,阴谋,黄金时代和救世主)直接获得民主经验,这一点在2016年大选中显而易见。