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Russian Studies in Literature Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10611975.2018.1507581
Mark Lipovetsky

Everyone with an interest in Russian literature knows about the upsurge of poetry in the early twentieth century, which would later be called the Silver Age, and then during the Thaw of the 1960s, when poetry readings filled stadiums. Yet it is usually forgotten that print runs for the new modernist poetry of the 1900s to 1910s were quite modest (a single hired cab was all Akhmatova needed to transport every first-run copy of her collection Evening) and that the poetry fans who mobbed the stadiums were attracted less by the literary merits of Evtushenko or Voznezensky’s poems than by those individuals’ political audacity, decked out in poetic form. Against that backdrop, it is not so surprising—although many may find it unexpected—to hear the claim that in the 2000s and 2010s Russophone poetry has been experiencing a boom comparable to the Silver Age and the Thaw. That comparison is supported first and



每个对俄罗斯文学感兴趣的人都知道二十世纪初期的诗歌热潮,后来被称为“银器时代”,然后是1960年代的解冻时期,当时诗歌的阅读席卷了整个体育馆。然而,通常被人们遗忘的是,1900年代至1910年代的新现代主义诗歌的印刷速度非常适度(Akhmatova运送她的藏品《 E晚间》的每本初版复制品都需要一个租用的出租车),而围攻该诗集的诗歌迷们伊夫图申科或沃兹涅岑斯基的诗歌在文学价值上吸引的体育场要比那些以诗意形式装饰的个人的政治胆识少。在这种背景下,听到这样的说法并不奇怪(尽管很多人可能会感到意外),因为有人声称在2000年代和2010年代,俄罗斯电话诗歌正经历着与白银时代和解冻时期相当的繁荣时期。首先支持该比较,