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Act One to the End: Ask the Ayatollah, a Play (with Henry Corbin)
Comparative and Continental Philosophy ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/17570638.2019.1630890
Roxanne Varzi 1

ABSTRACT This play is based on the author’s ethnographic and archival research on the French philosopher Henry Corbin’s years in Tehran, Iran. Corbin taught in Tehran between 1947 and 1978 (the eve of the Iranian Revolution) at the Institute of Philosophy, which he founded. The play is a dialogue between a fictional university student, Ali, and his mentor, the French philosopher Henry Corbin, with interjections from the angel of history. Ali is trying to come to grips with his love of Islamic mystical philosophy and its dangerous appropriation by political actors of the time, as well as with a deeply personal mourning. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution.



摘要 该剧基于作者对法国哲学家亨利·科尔宾 (Henry Corbin) 在伊朗德黑兰的岁月进行的民族志和档案研究。1947 年至 1978 年(伊朗革命前夕),科尔宾在德黑兰创立的哲学研究所任教。该剧是虚构的大学生阿里和他的导师法国哲学家亨利·科尔宾之间的对话,并带有历史天使的插话。阿里正试图接受他对伊斯兰神秘哲学的热爱及其被当时政治演员的危险挪用,以及深深的个人哀悼。今年是伊朗革命40周年。