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The Time of Philosophy (with Svetlana Alexievich)
Comparative and Continental Philosophy ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/17570638.2019.1636482
Kélina Gotman 1

ABSTRACT Weaving between anecdote, memoir and ‘empty time’, this fictional conversation with the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Unwomanly Face of War, Svetlana Alexievich, stages another genre of philosophy that would be, like her polyphonic style of documentary writing, not heroic as much as intimate. Set in Athens, while reaching towards Siberia, the conversation moves between the wartime 1940s and the late 2010s, gently broaching taboos of philosophical discourse: confession, ‘personal life’, memoir, love, family relations, doubt, fear, audience, and the time and place of writing, to arrive at a bare space of philosophical address, where nothing much happens except time passing. At once classically philosophical in its search for a form of life truthful to the Heraclitean dictum to search (for) oneself, and to Rousseauvian and Cartesian gestures of meditation and reverie, the essay also offers a language for thinking the textures and movements of thought – its quiet choreography.



摘要在轶事、回忆录和“空虚的时间”之间编织,与诺贝尔奖获得者《战争的丑陋面孔》作者斯维特兰娜·阿列克谢耶维奇的虚构对话展示了另一种哲学流派,就像她的复调纪录片写作风格一样,英雄般的亲密。以雅典为背景,在走向西伯利亚的同时,对话在 1940 年代和 2010 年代后期之间转移,温和地提出哲学话语的禁忌:忏悔、“个人生活”、回忆录、爱情、家庭关系、怀疑、恐惧、观众和写作的时间和地点,到达一个哲学演讲的空白空间,在那里除了时间流逝之外什么都没有发生。在寻找一种符合赫拉克利特格言的生活形式时,它立即成为古典哲学,寻找(寻找)自己,