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Reflection on passing of Maureen Minielli
Russian Journal of Communication Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/19409419.2019.1620976
Michael R. Finch 1 , Marta N. Lukacovic 2 , Sergei A. Samoilenko 3

Notes from five continents filled Facebook feeds in reaction to the untimely passing of Dr Maureen “Mo” Minielli. The messages illustrated the impact one individual can have upon the world. Maureen passed away in her sleep on 25 February in Klaipeda, Lithuania where she was teaching for a semester. She had just returned a week earlier from London where she was celebrating her daughter Lauren’s sixteenth birthday with some quality international travel time, an appropriate rite of passage for the daughter of a woman who had traversed the globe on numerous occasions. Maureen was passionate about travel, but really, she was passionate about people. Well, people, family, Nixon, and sports perhaps! In 1965, Maureen was born to Dean and Marcia Montgomery in Chicago, IL. She had two siblings, Pete and Michelle. The other thing that was birthed in Chicago was Maureen’s enduring affinity for the Chicago Cubs. If you knew Maureen very long, you knew she was a Cubs fan and knew she loved sports. Maureen and her father found a common passion in sports. She later moved to Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, where she eventually graduated high-school in 1983. Maureen said, “He was mad when we moved from Chicago to PA in 1976 and had to PAY for CABLE TELIVISION [to watch the cubs]!” to a friend on Facebook. After the passing of her father in 2015 she would often reminisce about watching and attending Cubs games and other sporting events with her father, and made a point to go to Cubs games “with him”, though he was only present as a photograph and in her heart. While Maureen developed a love for sports that carried into her life in Pennsylvania where she became an avid Penn State fan, she also continually excelled academically. Starting at the Harrisburg Area Community College, she attained an associate’s degree in Liberal Arts. She then attended the University of Pittsburg where she studied Communication for a B.A. which she received in 1987, and where her fascination with presidential rhetoric began. While many were likely working on Theses about “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, Maureen was working with thesis advisor Dr Michael Weiler on “The Rhetoric of Ronald Reagan about El Salvador from 1981-1983.” She moved from Pitt to Penn State for her M.A. where she worked with Dr Richard B. Gregg on her thesis, “The Rhetorical Visions of Reagan and Bush in Selected Speeches.”



来自五大洲的笔记填满了 Facebook 提要,以回应 Maureen “Mo” Minielli 博士的英年早逝。这些信息说明了一个人可以对世界产生的影响。莫琳于 2 月 25 日在立陶宛克莱佩达的睡梦中去世,她在那里教了一个学期。一周前,她刚刚从伦敦回来,在那里她正在庆祝女儿劳伦的 16 岁生日,并度过了一段高质量的国际旅行时间,这对于一位多次周游全球的妇女的女儿来说是一种适当的成年礼。Maureen 对旅行充满热情,但实际上,她对人充满热情。好吧,也许是人、家庭、尼克松和体育!1965 年,莫琳出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥的迪恩和玛西娅蒙哥马利。她有两个兄弟姐妹,皮特和米歇尔。在芝加哥出生的另一件事是莫琳对芝加哥小熊队的持久亲和力。如果您认识 Maureen 很长时间,您就会知道她是小熊队的球迷并且知道她热爱运动。Maureen 和她的父亲对运动有着共同的热情。后来她搬到宾夕法尼亚州的坎普希尔,最终在 1983 年高中毕业。莫琳说:“1976 年我们从芝加哥搬到宾夕法尼亚州时,他很生气,不得不支付有线电视费用 [观看幼崽]!” 给 Facebook 上的朋友。2015 年父亲去世后,她常常回忆起和父亲一起观看和参加小熊队比赛和其他体育赛事的情景,并特意“和他一起”去看小熊队比赛,尽管他只是以照片的形式出现在她的心。虽然 Maureen 对运动产生了对运动的热爱,这种热爱影响了她在宾夕法尼亚州的生活,在那里她成为了宾夕法尼亚州立大学的狂热粉丝,但她在学业上也一直表现出色。从哈里斯堡地区社区学院开始,她获得了文科副学士学位。然后,她就读于匹兹堡大学,在那里她学习传播学,并于 1987 年获得了学士学位,并开始了她对总统言论的迷恋。虽然许多人可能正在研究关于“Ferris Bueller's Day Off”的论文,但 Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“1981-1983 年罗纳德·里根关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。她在学业上也一直表现出色。从哈里斯堡地区社区学院开始,她获得了文科副学士学位。然后她就读于匹兹堡大学,在那里她学习传播学,并于 1987 年获得了学士学位,并开始了她对总统言论的迷恋。虽然许多人可能正在研究关于“Ferris Bueller's Day Off”的论文,但 Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“1981-1983 年罗纳德·里根关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。她还在学业上不断取得优异成绩。从哈里斯堡地区社区学院开始,她获得了文科副学士学位。然后,她就读于匹兹堡大学,在那里她学习传播学,并于 1987 年获得了学士学位,并开始了她对总统言论的迷恋。虽然许多人可能正在研究关于“Ferris Bueller's Day Off”的论文,但 Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“1981-1983 年罗纳德·里根关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。然后,她就读于匹兹堡大学,在那里她学习传播学,并于 1987 年获得了学士学位,并开始了她对总统言论的迷恋。虽然许多人可能正在研究关于“Ferris Bueller's Day Off”的论文,但 Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“1981-1983 年罗纳德·里根关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。然后,她就读于匹兹堡大学,在那里她学习传播学,并于 1987 年获得了学士学位,并开始了她对总统言论的迷恋。虽然许多人可能正在研究关于“Ferris Bueller's Day Off”的论文,但 Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“1981-1983 年罗纳德·里根关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“罗纳德·里根在 1981 年至 1983 年间关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。Maureen 正在与论文顾问 Michael Weiler 博士合作研究“罗纳德·里根在 1981 年至 1983 年间关于萨尔瓦多的修辞”。她从皮特搬到宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读硕士学位,在那里她与 Richard B. Gregg 博士合作完成了她的论文“里根和布什在演讲选拔中的修辞愿景”。