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The intelligentsia and emigration: strategic prospects, unrealized possibilities, and personal risks
Russian Journal of Communication Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/19409419.2018.1533422
Serge Iourienen 1

As if in a bad movie, I had а recurring dream while working on this essay. In the dream, they’re getting ready to kick me out again. This time, for a different reason. Not because I’m a ‘relic of the Cold War,’ and therefore a stone in the government’s shoe. Now I’m going to be expelled for corrupting my audience with my liberal/democratic ideas. A man from Washington is expected to give a speech about it. There are rumors that this envoy of a new policy will demand that members of the ‘fake mass media,’ financed by the U.S. Congress, strive to instill the feeling of patriotism in their audience, along with moral values and spiritual moorings. I’m 70 now, not 57 as I was the last time, and the prospect of experiencing it again fills me with dread as I envision my rising from the ashes to which I am about to be reduced and beginning to push the stone up the hill all over again. My colleagues are outraged in private, but when I ask if they will stay silent like the last time, the instinct for self-preservation kicks in, as they hold up their hands in desperation: ‘You know how it is, what’s the point of peeing against the wind... ’ Perhaps the most depressing thing this time around was witnessing the intelligentsia abandoning its historical mission, morphing into the post-intelligentsia or specialists engaged in intellectual work. The so-called ‘professionals.’



就像在一部糟糕的电影中一样,我在写这篇文章时做了一个反复出现的梦。在梦中,他们准备再次把我踢出去。这一次,出于不同的原因。不是因为我是“冷战的遗物”,因此是政府的石头。现在我将因为我的自由/民主思想腐蚀我的听众而被开除。一位来自华盛顿的人预计将就此发表演讲。有传言称,这位新政策的特使将要求由美国国会资助的“假大众媒体”成员努力向观众灌输爱国主义情绪,以及道德价值观和精神寄托。我现在 70 岁,而不是上次时的 57 岁,再次体验它的前景让我充满了恐惧,因为我想象着我将从即将沦为灰烬的灰烬中复活,并开始重新将石头推上山坡。我的同事私下很生气,但当我问他们是否会像上次一样保持沉默时,自我保护的本能开始了,因为他们绝望地举起了双手:“你知道这是怎么回事,有什么意义?对着风撒尿……”这一次最郁闷的,或许是目睹知识分子背弃历史使命,蜕变成后知识分子或从事知识工作的专家。所谓'专业'。他们绝望地举起双手:“你知道这是怎么回事,对着风撒尿有什么意义……” 或许这一次最郁闷的事情就是目睹知识分子放弃历史使命,蜕变成后从事智力工作的知识分子或专家。所谓'专业'。他们绝望地举起双手:“你知道这是怎么回事,对着风撒尿有什么意义……” 或许这一次最郁闷的事情就是目睹知识分子放弃历史使命,蜕变成后从事智力工作的知识分子或专家。所谓'专业'。