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Social inclusion of rural-rural migrant arable crop farmers and agriculture production in Delta State, Nigeria
Rural Society ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/10371656.2019.1651483
Albert Ukaro Ofuoku 1

ABSTRACT This study was conceptualised to determine the influence of social inclusion on rural-rural migrant arable crop farmers’ level of agricultural production. A sample of 254 rural-rural migrant arable crop farmers identified by key informants. Findings revealed farmers had a mean age of 45 and were mostly married females who had completed secondary education, had an average of 15 years farming experience. Average farm size was 2.5ha and annual mean crop output ranged from 1000 to 25,000 kg (1–25 metric tons). Most had membership in farmers’ groups and contact with two extension agents monthly. Their level of social inclusion at a community level was lower (inclusion index = 0.68) than at the farmers’ group level (inclusion index = 0.85). Social inclusion of rural-rural migrant farmers achieved significance to level of crop output at the farmers’ group level. Socioeconomic attributes, such as gender, marital status, level of formal education, years of farming experience in host communities, and monthly extension contact, contributed to farmers’ level of social inclusion. It is recommended that social inclusion of rural-rural migrant farmers in their host communities should be encouraged and sustained; social inclusion of migrant farmers in farmers’ groups should also be sustained and encouraged by the public agricultural extension agency and related non-governmental organisations, with those in communities that had not subscribed to membership of such groups encouraged to do so.



摘要这项研究的概念是确定社会包容性对农村移民农民耕作农民农业生产水平的影响。关键信息提供者确定的254个农村农民工可耕作农民的样本。调查结果显示,农民的平均年龄为45岁,大多数为已婚女性,她们已完成中学教育,平均有15年的农业经验。农场平均面积为2.5公顷,年平均农作物产量为1000至25,000千克(1–25公吨)。大多数人都加入了农民团体,并每月与两名推广人员联系。他们在社区一级的社会包容水平(包容指数= 0.68)低于农民组一级(包容指数= 0.85)。农民工的社会包容性对农民群体一级的农作物产量具有重要意义。社会经济属性,例如性别,婚姻状况,正规教育水平,在东道国的农业耕种经验以及每月的扩展接触,都对农民的社会包容水平产生了影响。建议鼓励和维持农村移民农民在其所在社区的社会包容性;公共农业推广机构和有关的非政府组织也应维持和鼓励移徙农民在农民团体中的社会包容,并鼓励那些尚未加入农民团体的社区居民加入。在收容社区的多年农业经验以及每月的扩展联系,为农民的社会包容水平做出了贡献。建议鼓励和维持农村移民农民在其所在社区的社会包容性;公共农业推广机构和有关的非政府组织也应维持和鼓励移徙农民在农民团体中的社会包容,并鼓励那些尚未加入农民团体的社区居民加入。在收容社区的多年农业经验以及每月的扩展联系,为农民的社会包容水平做出了贡献。建议鼓励和维持农村移民农民在其所在社区的社会包容性;公共农业推广机构和有关的非政府组织也应维持和鼓励移徙农民在农民团体中的社会包容,并鼓励那些尚未加入农民团体的社区居民加入。