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Affective response and narrative coherence in the Mocedades de Rodrigo
Romance Quarterly ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08831157.2019.1637215
Matthew Bailey 1

Abstract Critical attention to the Mocedades de Rodrigo has overwhelmingly centered on identifying narrative cohesion in a work that for many readers has seemed chaotic and fragmentary. Early on, these efforts led to an understanding of the poem as a narrative progression, imposing on the young protagonist a somewhat unwieldy concept of growth through the lens of an ancient pan-European rite of passage. More recently, a concept of thematic cohesion emerged as a way to understand seemingly disparate passages in the poem, based on a will to independence and desire for self-rule in the portrayal of Rodrigo’s ancestors as well as for himself. This essay argues for further narrative coherence centered on the unwavering willful character of the protagonist who speaks truth to power, expressed through a series of affective encounters that draws others to him and to a communal enterprise in defense of family, kingdom, and ultimately nation.


Mocedades de Rodrigo 中的情感反应和叙事连贯性

摘要 对 Mocedades de Rodrigo 的批判性关注绝大多数集中在确定这部作品中的叙事凝聚力上,该作品对许多读者来说似乎是混乱和支离破碎的。早期,这些努力导致人们将这首诗理解为一种叙事进程,通过古老的泛欧洲成年仪式的镜头,将一种有点笨拙的成长概念强加给了年轻的主人公。最近,基于对罗德里戈祖先和他自己的描绘中的独立意志和自治愿望,主题凝聚力的概念作为一种理解诗中看似不同的段落的方式出现。这篇文章主张进一步的叙事连贯性,集中在向权力说真话的主角坚定不移的任性性格上,