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In Search of Excellence: An Interview With Linda Brody
Roeper Review ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02783193.2020.1765455
Suzanna E. Henshon

Dr. Linda Brody directs the Study of Exceptional Talent (SET) and the Diagnostic and Counseling Center (DCC) at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY). SET offers academic advising and counseling to exceptionally advanced students identified through talent searches and studies their progress over time, while the DCC provides psycho-educational assessments and counseling to students who seek these services, with an emphasis on addressing the needs of twiceexceptional students. Linda’s research focuses on evaluating strategies that facilitate talent development, especially acceleration, and on studying special populations of gifted students, including the highly gifted, gifted females, and twice exceptional students. She has edited several books and published numerous book chapters and articles in professional journals. Having earned her doctorate from Johns Hopkins, she taught graduate courses in gifted education there for many years. Linda presents regularly at conferences, is a reviewer for journals in the field, and serves on several advisory boards including the Maryland State Advisory Council on Gifted and Talented Education. She was awarded NAGC’s Distinguished Service award in 2015 and was inducted into the Bridges 2e Hall of Fame for her work on behalf of twice-exceptional students in 2017.



Linda Brody 博士在约翰霍普金斯大学天才青年中心 (CTY) 指导杰出人才研究 (SET) 和诊断与咨询中心 (DCC)。SET 为通过人才搜索确定的特别先进的学生提供学术建议和咨询,并研究他们随着时间的推移的进展,而 DCC 为寻求这些服务的学生提供心理教育评估和咨询,重点是解决双重特殊学生的需求。Linda 的研究重点是评估促进人才发展的策略,尤其是加速人才发展,以及研究特殊的天才学生群体,包括高天才、天才女性和两次杰出学生。她编辑了几本书,并在专业期刊上发表了许多书籍章节和文章。在约翰霍普金斯大学获得博士学位后,她在那里教授天才教育研究生课程多年。Linda 定期出席会议,是该领域期刊的审稿人,并在多个咨询委员会任职,包括马里兰州天才教育咨询委员会。她于 2015 年获得了 NAGC 的杰出服务奖,并因其在 2017 年代表两次特殊学生所做的工作而入选 Bridges 2e 名人堂。